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The Great State Fair

Posted by on September 19, 2009

We hit the State Fair last night, Okie Tourist style, with stroller and bags and all the things it seems to take to make a family outing complete.

state fair

We tried to do it on the cheap, although we spent $21 on corndogs, lemonade and chicken-on-a-stick to feed our family of 5. Not bad. Of course, some of our people are still very small. Your family might require more than a $3 corn dog for dinner. Alternately, your family might be more vocal about their demands for a more filling meal. Ours are still pretty distractable.

state fair

We were at the fair for about five hours, and we probably didn’t do a third of all we would have liked to. We’re going back on Wednesday (our oldest two kids are performing at the bandshell) and so we have plans to hit a few more things then.

Here’s what we did, what we didn’t do, and what we’re planning to do.

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